Scott itf Taekwondo

Personal Trainers - Booval (Queensland)
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Business Address: 11a Green st Booval Booval QLD 4304


Business contacts: Robert Scott

Number of staff: 1

Registered Child Carer Provider Yes

Your Industry Qualification Health fitness wellbeing

Your Registrations & Certifications Yes

Business awards: 2023 awarded one of most popular coaches (Coaches 4 U).

Kids ages accepted: 5-8 years old, 8-10 years old, 10-12 years old, 12-15 years old, 15-18 years old

Parental supervision: Required

Type of sessions: 1-on-1

Gender: Female, Male

Wheelchair access: Yes

Service location: Our location

Cafeteria on site: Yes

Disability and special needs facilities: Yes

After-hour services available: Yes

Costs: Per session / class, Per term, Short term contract, Long term contract, Registration fees

Payment options: Cash, Direct Deposit, Credit Card

Register at one club free to attend other clubs Booval Personal Trainers _small

Register at one club free to attend other clubs

Register at one of our Taekwondo clubs give you free training at our other clubs.
We support the Ipswich & surrounding suburbs.

Happy to answer any questions (usually 24 hours).

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