Drama and Acting Events in the Sydney Region

  • Location: ParramattaNSW 2150
  • Dates: from 01 May 2023 to 30 Jun 2025

Communications skills programs or school students Kindy - Year 12 Public speaking is a core skill that provides lifelong benefits – whether speaking to a small group of people or to a stadium filled with 50,000. Once gained, learning public speaking makes a person more confident overall. Whatever your grade in school is - get over your fears by continuous practice of these skills. With Creative Writing, we teach students to really dig down dip, to not just take things as they are on the surface but to investigate, which is a lesson that will remain with them throughout the rest of their lives. The real benefit of learning Creative Writing while in school, is the gift of giving students a new way to look at themselves and it teaches organisational skills that go beyond NAPLAN and HSC.